Cigarette Girl By Masahiko Matsumoto
Cigarette Girl is a manga with a series of short stories featuring various characters and the events that happen in their lives. I normally don't read "slice of life" mangas (since I love shonen mangas so much). But in general its very hard to relate to many of the obstacles or events that happen in this series. For example:
Having your mother mistake that you have a girlfriend because of the umbrella you have, and you for some reason didn't tell her the truth. That doesn't really happen in real life.
On another note a few of them to me fall flat with the ending, it'll tend to bring it up to a potential climax and then fall a bit flat and gave more of an "Oh ok" or "Well that was unfortunate" reaction. It also might be in my case, a lack of personal connection. Since there is no genre and its specific things happing to a specific group of characters, and although the struggle, or the idea of the struggle, is somewhat relatable. It's more a common reminder of what COULD happen, but you really truly never know.
Presentation topic: Pop Team Epic and their useage of comedy, also Highlight on comedy in anime in genreal (with the main focus of Pop Team Epic).
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